Contact lenses are a reliable and commonly used vision correction device that have improved significantly over the years. That small transparent disc is easily placed on the surface of the eye, and within seconds, it is able to transform your vision, improving the way your eyes can see the world. Those benefits only happen, though, if you know how to maintain your contact lenses. At Eyes Over Copley, our contact lenses come with a vision exam and a training session, so you know exactly what to do. Set up an appointment with our optometrist near you in Boston, MA, to get started.

How to Care for Your Contact Lenses

Contact lenses can be made of a durable material. They will not fall out of your eyes if you tear up or if you rub (a little). However, there are several things you can do to ensure you do not damage your eyes or your contact lenses. Your eye doctor will provide you with brand-specific instructions for care and use but consider these tips as well.

●             Follow the directions: Depending on the type of contact lenses you have, you may need to remove them daily or leave them in for several days at a time. Follow the manufacturer's rules so as not to damage your vision.

●             Always wash your hands: Any time you need to touch your eye or adjust your contacts, make sure you wash your hands and disinfect them before doing so. That can help minimize the risk of infection.

●             Protect your eyes with sunglasses: When you're out for the day and it is sunny, wear sunglasses to protect your vision. Contacts do not do that on their own.

●             Keep them clean: Make sure you properly remove and clean them with fresh saline as often as the eye doctor recommends. That helps ensure they continue to protect your eyes.

●             If you tear them, toss them: Do not put torn or damaged contacts into your eyes.

Get Eye Doctor Services and Contact Lenses from an Optometrist Near You

Improving your vision starts with routine eye care from an optometrist near you in Boston, MA. At Eyes Over Copley, our team offers contact lens services, including training from your eye doctor for using and caring for contact lenses. Call us at (617) 859-0630 for eye doctor services and contact lenses from our team.





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