Viewing 65 - 80 out of 85 posts


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Computer Vision

Computer Vision: Treatment in Boston If you spend most of the work day looking at a computer, you already know that hours spent staring at a screen can take a heavy Read More

Dry Eye Treatment

Dry Eye Syndrome Help With Our Boston Optometrist Severe dry eye symptoms can hurt. If your eyes are looking red and feeling dry, there is relief available. Our Boston optometrist at Read More

Pink Eye Treatment

Pink Eye Information From Eyes Over Copley in Boston If you believe you have pink eye symptoms, it is likely you want to find an appropriate treatment so discomfort discontinues. Many Read More

Millions of Contact Lenses are Ending Up in the Water

About 15 million Americans wear disposable contact lenses. Unfortunately, some people are not careful or are careless when it comes to properly disposing their contact lenses. Contacts have ended up Read More

Frequently Asked Questions About Diabetic Retinopathy

Eyes Over Copley Discusses Management of Diabetic Retinopathy Diabetes can cause a variety of serious health problems, including effects on the eyes. Health experts recommend careful monitoring of eye health for Read More

Back To School Vision Care

Back To School Glasses Eyes Over Copley Discusses Back To School Glasses and Exams Parents all over the country are making preparations for the new school year, with new clothing, supplies, and Read More

Comprehensive Eye Care

Comprehensive Eye Care from our Boston Optometrist Some people do not realize there is an issue with their eyesight until it progresses into something that requires immediate attention. This includes conditions Read More

Pink Eye Treatment From Our Optometrist

Pink Eye Treatment Provided by Eyes Over Copley in Boston, MA Conjunctivitis, commonly referred to as pink eye, is an infection of the eye that can create a lot of discomfort Read More

Eye Inflammation Treatment From Our Boston Eye Doctor

Eye Inflammation Treatment from Eyes Over Copley Uveitis, or eye inflammation, can be caused by allergies, bacteria, or a virus. The presence of a foreign object can also cause inflammation. While Read More

Hidden Dangers of Costume Contact Lenses

The Hidden Dangers of Costume Contact Lenses: What You Need to Know Here at Eyes Over Copley, our Boston optometrist often has a busy first week or two in November due Read More

Signs & Symptoms of Vision Loss

Our Boston Optometrist Provides Vision Loss Diagnosis, Treatment & Prevention  Boston optometrist Dr. Patricia Fox has worked with several hundreds of people experiencing vision loss at a variety of stages. While problems Read More

What is Blue Light?

What is Blue Light?  The sunshine that we’re exposed to when out and about in the greater Boston, MA area can be both harmful and beneficial to people’s vision. It’s important Read More

Tips for UV Protection

Tips for UV Protection from Our Eye Doctors in Boston The summer season is hard on your eyes due to the increased UV radiation and exposure to sunlight. While you may Read More

Seasonal Eye Allergy Treatment

Seasonal Eye Allergy Treatment from Our Optometrists in Boston The changing season impacts your health by contributing to allergic reactions. When you have seasonal eye allergies, you want a treatment to Read More

Different Types of Contact Lenses

Different Types of Contact Lenses Offered at Eyes Over Copley, in Boston When you decide to wear contact lenses instead of glasses, you want to understand the different options available for Read More

Cataracts Awareness

What are Cataracts? Our eyes have an outer lens that bends and refracts light and helps us to see objects clearly. This lens lies just behind the iris and the pupil Read More

Viewing 65 - 80 out of 85 posts


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